Search Engine Optimization

With Our Search Engine Optimization Services, You Can Improve Your Online Potential. Learn the value of having a high search engine rating. Apart from increasing the exposure of your website, our SEO know-how will establish your company as an authority in your sector.

Your Journey to SEO Excellence Starts Here

Harnessing the expertise of a Canadian SEO company is a great way to boost your online presence, attract more leads, and fuel the growth of your business. Wondering how we know this? It’s not just a guess; it comes from hands-on experience.

Social More specializes in using advanced SEO techniques, and our dedicated focus is on making sure your business succeeds and your leads increase. We’ve helped over a thousand businesses throughout Canada, aiming to secure a prime spot on the first page of search results for each one. Some have already achieved this, while others are well on their way.

Understanding SEO might seem simple, but putting it into action often comes with challenges. That’s where our skilled SEO experts come in. On average, our clients see a boost of more than 400% in leads generated from online sources.

Trust Our Secrets to SEO Success

It takes skill to get around the complex world of Google’s dynamic algorithms, but don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Our dedication guarantees that your rankings reach the highest levels of achievement, driven by a finely crafted marketing plan.

Get ready to learn something amazing: Google’s algorithm carefully considers more than 200 aspects when determining how to rank web pages. We analyze everything that counts, from your website’s quick speed to the delicate movement of word count and all the details in between. Equipped with this understanding, we design a plan that takes you to the top of the rankings while protecting you there.

Optimize Your Future, Optimize with Us!

We know from experience that the journey of an SEO campaign isn’t always pretty because we’ve made mistakes along the way. Fortunately, we have improved our strategies and learned from the past to better prepare us for what lies ahead. Utilize our vast experience and innovative community to help you generate quality leads and expand your company.

Work With Us to Elevate Your Brand Image

We regularly review the campaign’s performance so that we may adjust our strategies and keep delivering the desired outcomes for you. Together, our talented designers, strategists, and content producers will build a campaign that brings in a lot of leads, traffic, and search engine rankings. If conditions alter, we’ll quickly modify our strategy to meet your new objectives and ensure the expansion of your company.

While handling your campaign, we’ll constantly assess and use innovative strategies to ensure that you consistently rank above and outsell your rivals. By using SEO services from our top marketing company, you can free up more time to manage your business more efficiently.

How Does It Work with Our SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a marketing strategy that uses technical strategies, off-page link building, and web page optimization to improve online presence and organic search results. SEO is becoming more and more crucial to your search engine marketing campaigns as internet search grows in popularity and more consumers come to rely on the responses they get from a quick Google search.

On-Page SEO

“Let’s chat about On-Page SEO! This is all about sprucing up the front end of your website. You might have heard the saying, ‘content is king,’ and that’s because tweaking your on-page content is a big deal. It’s like giving your site the right vibes and showing Google that you’re the real deal when it comes to expertise, authority, and trustworthiness!”

Keyword Utilization

Let’s chat keywords! Sprinkle those little powerhouses in your headers, throughout your content, and in titles and meta descriptions. We do some savvy keyword research to make sure we’re going after the terms your customers are buzzing about.

Crosslinking Strategy

And hey, ever heard of crosslinking? It’s like creating cool connections between your pages. We link up related landing pages or topic clusters with anchor text that’s always a relevant keyword. It’s all about making your site a friendly and well-connected online hangout!”

User Experience

“Let’s talk about improving user experience on your website!” We believe in creating a top-notch user experience as a crucial part of our on-page SEO approach. Your landing pages should be a breeze to navigate, eye-catching, and super simple, with cool prompts to get people clicking. And guess what? A fantastic user experience leads to more conversions – pretty sweet, right?


Now, onto your content! It’s gotta be well-written, totally free of errors, and geared up with the right keywords. But it’s not just about stuffing in keywords – your content should genuinely help your clients. We’re all about avoiding the no-nos like duplicate content and keyword stuffing that might upset Google.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is a foundation of search engine optimization that has an impact outside of the web pages of your website. Instead of engaging directly with internal operations, it uses subtle strategies to help raise the domain’s authority of your website. When trustworthy internet partners link to your company, search engines see this as a positive endorsement of your authority and quality within the expansive online space.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is like the rockstar of link-building – super common, super valuable. Our awesome team of writers whips up these fantastic long-form blog articles that appeal to just about anyone. We’re not keeping them to ourselves, though. Nope! We send these gems off to high-domain authority guest blogging sites for the world to see.

Citation Submissions

Consider submissions to directories and citations as the unsung heroes of off-page SEO. Monthly tasks include carefully cultivating connections as though they were our proprietary knowledge. Yes, it could be a little exhausting but trust us—it’s well worth it.

Social Media

Oh, the wonders of social media! Not only are these platforms fantastic for showing off your brand and making it the talk of the town, but they also work some magic on SEO. We make sure your NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) is consistent across all your profiles, and of course, we throw in a link back to your site.

Forums & Infographics

We go all out with our Deluxe SEO packages. We have posting activities on our forums because who doesn’t enjoy a good discussion on a forum? We also include a few infographic entries. Do forums provide you with infographics and cool backlinks? They are, in fact, the engagement equivalent of superheroes in a world full of ordinary blogs. We’ve got you covered for that outstanding SEO, so don’t worry!

Local SEO

Our local SEO initiatives guarantee that our clients appear here in Canada. We can get you listed on Google’s list of closest and most relevant business listings, which appears whenever someone searches for “Best SEO company near me.”

NAP Consistency

Every online platform should use the same version of your company name, phone number, and website address. We call this NAP consistency, to put it briefly, and one of the first things we perform when we start a local SEO campaign is a NAP audit.

Local Citations

People easily find the local service provider through local directories and citations. Getting your name listed in directories and citations that frequently show up at the top of search engine result pages is well worth the effort.

Google My Business

As part of your SEO plan, one of the first things we examine and enhance is your Google My Business listing. What shows up in Google’s map listings is your Social More listing, which gives potential clients a quick overview of your company.

Landing Pages & Local Keywords

We refine and focus our keyword research to fit the needs of the cities or regions you are attempting to rank up. In exceptional cases, we might suggest more landing pages that have been targeted to certain areas.

Technical SEO

Social More has an awesome team of developers who are all about making sure your website shines on search engines, especially Google! Technical SEO is our jam, and it covers everything to make sure search engines easily find, crawl, and index your web pages.

Page Speed

We get it – nobody likes a slow-loading page. Google knows this too! We dig deep into your site’s loading speed, checking out factors like FCP, LCP, and more to ensure a top-notch user experience.


When search engines like Google explore your site, they’re on the lookout for any hiccups like redirects gone wrong, duplicate content, or metadata mishaps. We start by giving your site a thorough check-up and fixing any issues we find.

Site Security

Data security is a big deal for you, and guess what? It’s a big deal for Google too! We’re all about HTTPS to make sure your site is super safe and your visitors’ privacy is on lockdown.

Website Architecture

How your site is organized matters, from individual pages to the overall site map. We take a look at your site’s structure and make tweaks to make sure it’s in tip-top shape for technical SEO.

Unlock the Potential with Calgary SEO!

Ever wondered, “Why do I need SEO?” It’s a burning question, and we get it.

Many businesses ponder if diving into the world of SEO is worth the effort to snag that coveted top spot on Google. Think about what that kind of traffic boost through Calgary’s search engine optimization magic could do for your leads!

We see SEO as more than a quick win – it’s a long-term investment. No shortcuts here! We roll out techniques that not only work but also earn Google’s nod of approval, not a penalty. Those who’ve been on this SEO journey with us from the start truly understand the game-changing value we bring.

Toronto’s Social More offers excellent SEO services. Together, let’s improve your web presence!